2. Information
  3. Moving-out Procedures for Residents of University-loaned Apartment House and International House

Moving-out Procedures for Residents of University-loaned Apartment House and International House

Residents of university-loaned apartment houses and International House should read the following explanatory materials for moving-out procedures.
本学の新型コロナウイルスに関連情報ページも随時確認してください。Please also check Information regarding the Novel Coronavirus posted on our webpage.

University-loaned Apartment House 借上げアパート

【説明資料 Handbook】
○ 退去の手続きについて Moving-out Procedures 
○ 「帰国が決まったら」Before Leaving Japan← 帰国する場合はこのページも必ず読んでください。
                                                                                                       Please also check this page when you leave Japan.
○ 住所変更の手続き Notice of address change
 For those who are moving within Japan, be sure to register your new address at the ward office, post office, bank, etc.
 Take your Resident Card, Notification Card (Notification Card for My Number), and passport.

【提出するもの Documents to Submit】
○ 退去届 Notification of Departure from Apartment House

【提出期限 Submission Deadline】 
Please submit this form to the International Office via E-mail by deadline.

      (A) 2021年2月9日(火)
      (B) 退去日の2週間前
      (A) 2021年3月5日(金)
      (B) 退去日の2週間前

■ For the residents, whose permitted tenancy period expires on February 26, 2021
 Deadline: (A) or (B), whichever comes earlier;
      (A) Tuesday, February 9, 2021
      (B) two weeks before the moving out day 
■ For the residents, whose permitted tenancy period expires on March 22, 2021
 Deadline: (A) or (B), whichever comes earlier;
      (A) Friday, March 5, 2021
      (B) two weeks before the moving out day

International House 国際交流会館

【説明資料 Handbook】
○ 退去の手続きについて Moving-out Procedures 
○ 「帰国が決まったら」Before Leaving Japan← 帰国する場合はこのページも必ず読んでください。
                                                                                                       Please also check this page when you leave Japan.
○ 住所変更の手続き Notice of address change
 For those who are moving within Japan, be sure to register your new address at the ward office, post office, bank, etc.
 Take your Resident Card, Notification Card (Notification Card for My Number), and passport.

【提出するもの Documents to Submit】
○ 退去届 Notification of Departure from International House  
  (ゆうびん受けに届けます。 To be delivered to your mailbox.)

【提出期限 Submission Deadline】
Please submit this form to the House Office by the deadline.

      (A) 2021年2月9日(火)
      (B) 退去日の2週間前
      (A) 2021年3月5日(金)
      (B) 退去日の2週間前

■ For the residents, whose permitted tenancy period expires on February 26, 2021
 Deadline: (A) or (B), whichever comes earlier;
      (A) Tuesday, February 9, 2021
      (B) two weeks before the moving out day
■ For the residents, whose permitted tenancy period expires in March, 2021
 Deadline: (A) or (B), whichever comes earlier;
      (A) Friday, March 5, 2021
      (B) two weeks before the moving out day


書類提出先・問い合わせ先 Submission Email Address/Inquiry
留学交流推進課留学生係 International Office

Email: kokusai@adm.niigata-u.ac.jp